Conference Information


Academy of Scientific Research & Technology


Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport

The 2025 42nd National Radio Science Conference (NRSC2025) will be held in Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt. AASTMT Academy will host the conference during the period from 6th of May to 8th of May 2025.



The conference program will consist of invited sessions on selected topics and contributed sessions. The submitted papers must describe original work and cover the activities of the URSI commissions.


To read more about URSI, press here




The Academy for Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) is the focal point of the Egyptian experience and national thinking. It organizes Egypt's plans and projects to offer its experiences, knowledge, consultations for the government, Higher Council for Science and Technology and decision makers in terms of the issues related to science and technology in Egypt.

To read more about The Academy for Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), press here 




The National Radio Science Committee (NRSC) has been created by ASRT in recognition of promoting the radio science in Egypt. The NRSC holds the national conference on yearly basis. There have been 39 conferences held in Egypt. The NRSC offers support to young researchers, scientists and inventors.




To read more about The AASTMT Academy, press here 

Honored Egyptian Pioneers of Radio Science in NRSC 2025 are to be decided (TBD)



The submitted papers must describe original work and lie in the scope of one of URSI Commissions A-K. 
 For more details about the commissions and topics covered in conference visit  URSI 

A - Electromagnetic Metrology
B - Fields and Waves
C - Radio Communication Systems and Signal Processing
D - Electronics and Photonics
E - Electromagnetic Environment and Interference
F - Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing
G - Ionospheric Radio and Propagation
H - Waves in Plasmas
J - Radio Astronomy
K - Electromagnetic in Biology and Medicine

NRSC2025 Committees

Chair Committee

Conference Honorary Chair: Prof. Gina Elfeky, ASRT
Conference Honorary Chair: Prof. Ismail Abdel Ghafar Ismail Farag, AASTMT
Conference Chair: Prof. Said El-Khamy, Alexandria Univ.
Conference Co-Chair: Prof. Alaa Abdel Bary, AAST
Conference Vice-Chair: Prof. Khaled Shehata, AAST
Conference Secretary General: Prof. Hesham El-Badawy, MCIT R&D
Technical Program Chair: Prof. Hadia El Hennawy, Ain Shams Univ.,
Prof. Mohamed Abu Eldahab, AASTMT
Conference Publications Chair: Prof. Rowayda A. Sadek, Saxony Egypt University for Applied Science and Technology (SEU)
Local Organization Chair: Prof. Mohamed ElMahallawy, AASTMT

NRSC Committee

Prof. Ahmed H. Madian, Nile Univ. Prof. Dalia Nashaat, ERI
Prof. Elsayed M. Saad, Helwan Univ. Prof. Imbaby I. Mahmoud, AEA
Prof. Mahmoud Abdalla, MTC Prof. Mohamed Swillam, AUC
Prof. Saber Zainud-Deen, Menoufia Univ. Prof. Salah Obayya, Zewail City
Prof. Omar Fahmy, Zewail City Dr. Mohamed Darwish, NRIAG
Dr. Osama Marzouk, ASRT

Local AASTMT Committee

Ass. Prof. Sherif Eldiasty
Dr. Mohamed Atef Shafik
Eng. Ahmad Goudah
Eng. Salma Abdelwahab

Important Dates

Conference Deadlines

Paper submission deadline: January 11th, 2025 
Notification of acceptance: March 15th, 2025
Camera-ready manuscript: March 29th, 2025


Address: الأكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والنقل البحري - فرع مصر الجديدة - القاهرة
Phone: (+203) 5622366 - 5622388 - 5610950 - Call Center: 19838
AASTMT - Heliopolis Branch - Cairo

Paper Submission

Prospective authors of papers describing original work are invited to get the standard format and to submit papers electronically 
through the conference website. The maximum number of pages is 8 per paper.

Please follow the following steps to submit your paper:
1. Click here to enter your valid email to receive 
   preliminary information  (paper ID, password)

2. Use received preliminary information to complete your submission here.

3. You will received an email to confirm your submission

The submitted papers must describe original work and lie in the scope of one of URSI Commissions A-K.

For accessing the Call for Paper (CFP). 
Papers must be formatted according to the instructions in the NRSC 2025 template click here.

For paper submission, please click here.
Please make sure to comply with the Paper Format, and upload two versions of your paper:
a .doc file (complete with author name(s))
a .pdf file (without author name(s) nor affiliation(s)).

NRSC 2025 Undergraduate – Postgraduate Poster Session
Present your work in NRSC 2024 poster session for graduation and postgraduate projects without registration fees. 
Interactive poster session is a great opportunity to receive interesting and valuable feedback on ongoing research from mentors and knowledgeable colleagues. 
All accepted posters will be considered for the best poster award support by URSI.

All submitted posters must describe their original work and lie in the scope of one of URSI Commissions A-K.

For poster submission, please download poster template and send it by email to (

​All Papers will be checked via the  Plagiarism Checkers.

For any other query and/or details please send E-Mail to: Prof. Hesham El-Badawy (
If you face any problem during your submission process or need any technical support,
please send E-Mail to: Eng.Ahmad Goudah (


Registration Fees(per paper):

The Full registration for a paper from Egypt is LE4000 and from outside Egypt is €400.
Fees cover attending sessions, proceedings, lunches, and coffee breaks for the period of the conference 
for one of the authors. Authors presenting up to 2 additional papers will pay a discounted registration 
fees: LE2500 from Egypt and from outside Egypt: €250 for each additional paper.
Extra pages will be charged LE400 (from outside Egypt, €40) per page with
maximum of two. 

Payment of Registration Fees: Registration fees may be paid by one of the following methods:

1-    By direct payment to Dr. Osama MARZOUK, at the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, 101 Kasr El-Aini St., Cairo.

2-    Through Postal Transfer in Name of Dr. Osama MARZOUK,at Mobile No.: 002 01223880267

3-    Through any member of the NRSC organizing Committee.

Authors outside Egypt are welcomed to submit their papers. If these papers are accepted, the presentations could be online
100€ for authors who are not Egyptian and 1500LE for Egyptian.

For more information, please contact Dr. Osama MARZOUK, at Mobile No.: 002 01223880267

Attendance fees without paper registration (including lunch, Break and proceedings) are LE1000.

Attendance is free (without lunch, Break and proceedings)

Conference Program

2025 42nd National Radio Science Conference (NRSC)
         Organized by
  Academy of Scientific Research and Technology
  The National Radio Science Committee (NRSC)
  Arab Academy for Science and Technology and
  Maritime Transport(AASTMT)
Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt
6th May  to 8th May 2025
   NRSC2025 Program 


NRSC committee annually constitute the award selection committee to avoid conflict of interest. 
The award selection committee will choose for awards the best papers and posters. 
The awards are in the form of certificates and cash money. 
A. Student Poster/Tutorial Award Competition

The award selection committee will select a number of winners for the best student Posters/Tutorial awards*.

*Posters / Tutorial Student awards are usually sponsored by the International Union of Radio Science (URSI)
 and the Invited University.

Rules and Guidelines
1- Presented Tutorial or Poster must be done by an Undergraduate student/ MSc. 
   Student/PhD Candidate.
2- Only abstracts for the project or the tutorial will be included in the book of 
3- All the presented work in the conference as tutorials or posters subjected to win.
4- The selection is based on the quality, originality, scientific merit of the work, 
   clarity of the presentation and the ability to answer questions.
B. Student Paper Awards
The award selection committee will select three papers for the best student paper awards**.

**Student awards are usually sponsored by the International Union of Radio Science (URSI).

Rules and Guidelines
1- Regular paper that will be published as a full paper.
2- The first author and presenter must be a university student (Undergraduate / postgraduate).
3- A longer finalists list will be selected based on reviewers’ evaluation during the paper 
   submission phase which is based on the quality, originality and scientific merit of the paper.
4- Only three of the finalists list will be awarded according to the clarity of their presentation 
   and the ability to answer questions about their work during the conference presentation.
5- The evaluation is carried out based on two phases; the score comes from reviewers' evaluation 
   during the paper submission process and another score comes from the award selection 
   committee for the presentation of the paper during the conference session.
C. Best Paper Awards
The award selection committee will select two papers for the best paper awards.

Rules and Guidelines
1- Regular paper that will be published as a full paper.
2- The selection will be based on the quality, originality and scientific merit of the 
   paper as well as the clarity of the presentation and the ability to answer 
   questions posed by the audience.
3- There is no restriction on the number of authors or if they are students.
4- The evaluation is carried out based on two phases; the score comes from 
   reviewers’ evaluation during the paper submission process and another score 
   comes from the award selection committee for the presentation of the paper 
   during the conference session.
 D. Women in Radio Science (WIRS) Award
2nd MSc/ PhD Thesis/Dissertation WIRS Award -NRSC 2025

"Empowering Women in Radio Science: Overcoming Barriers in Education and Career Paths"
Call for Nominations
In a sound environment that has long been dominated by men, women have been slow to carve out a place 
for themselves. Yet, having been assiduous listeners from the start, then they have started to play 
a central role in shaping the research in radio science disciplines. 

URSI keeps promoting the activities of women by supporting women in radio science (WIRS) chapters. 
Women in Radio Science Chapter of the Egyptian National Committee of the International Union of Radio 
Science held 3 sessions along with the NRSC conferences, 2018, 2023, and 2024. Egyptian WIRS chapter 
has developed a new award; Women in Radio Science (WIRS) Award for the first time in conjunction with 
NRSC2024 for the outstanding Thesis/Dissertation that was done by women. 

URSI supports WIRS programs and awards. This year sees the second round of prizes. 
Associated with NRSC 2025. The award objective not just to rank theses and dissertations from "best" 
to "worst" but to honor and empower women in radio science. 
Make an effort to highlight the various viewpoints, creative approaches, and distinctive contributions 
that each candidate has made to the radio science field.   

The Judging Panel expertise in radio science will carry out the judging process based on the mentioned 
criteria and any more provided assisted information as soon as the closing deadline is reached.  
The nominated ones will be awarded in a WIRS session that will be held along with the NRSC2025. 
Although women's sessions always discuss the challenges faced by minority underrepresented groups in 
radio science and engineering, our sessions usually present our promising case for having a real 
considerable share of women in radio science in Egypt. This year session will discuss 
"Empowering Women in Radio Science: Overcoming Barriers in Education and Career Paths". 

Scientific radio topics also will be provided by women. Top notch women in academia and industry 
will join in our coming session. The session also will include 10-minute presentation summary about 
the outstanding nominated theses / dissertations presented by the nominees and get awarded. 

I. Eligibility:
Each nomination will be considered if:
1.	The nominated student must be a female.
2.	The nominee must be nominated by their thesis/dissertation advisor.
3.	The thesis/dissertation topic focuses on one of the URSI Commissions.
4.	Timeline for completion (recently within 2 years).
II. Nomination Registration and Deliverables:
   Each nomination must include the following:
1.	A signed letter of recommendation prepared by the nominee’s supervisor (not to exceed a page).
2.	An abstract of the thesis or non-thesis project.
3.	An electronic copy of the thesis/dissertation (PDF format).
4.	A list of published papers from the thesis/dissertation (a table containing the paper in its 
	citing form, journal Quartile in WoS, Quartile in Scopus, and impact factor).
5.	Register and fill in the information required in the following form:

III. Award Criteria:
The following includes the award criteria:
1.	The overall quality of the thesis or research work.
2.	Published papers from the thesis/dissertation work (number and impact).
3.	Potential impact on the field of radio science and future research directions.
4.	Nature of the research; multidisciplinary or in a discipline.
5.	Overcoming obstacles and challenges (optional).
6.	Service and engagement within the radio science community; NRSC (optional).

Prof. Hadia Elhenawy WIRS Honorary Chapter chair. 
Prof Rowayda Sadek Chair of WIRS Egypt
Prof. Dalia Elsheikh Vice Chair of WIRS, Egypt

Keynote Speakers

  1- Prof. Ari Sihvola
Aalto University, School of Electrical Engineering
Box 15500, FI-00076 AALTO, Finland (street address: Maarintie 8, 02150 Espoo)
tel. +358 50 5871286,,

Ari Sihvola received the degree of Doctor of Technology in 1987 from the Helsinki University of Technology (TKK), 
Finland (presently Aalto University). Besides working for TKK, Aalto, and the Academy of Finland, he has had visiting 
positions in Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge (1985–1986), Pennsylvania State University, 
State College (1990–1991), Lund University, Sweden (1996), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EPFL (2000–01), 
University of Paris 11 (2008), and the University of Rome La Sapienza (2015). His research interests include waves 
and fields in electromagnetics, modeling of complex media and metamaterials, remote sensing, education in physics 
and engineering, and history of electrical engineering. He is presently professor in the School of Electrical 
Engineering at the Aalto University. Ari Sihvola is Life Fellow of the IEEE and the President of the 
International Union of Radio Science (URSI).

Special Sessions

Invited NRSC Committee Members Review Sessions

It will be decided later

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